"Me Too!!" is a Red Flag

Posted On Feb 21, 2021 |

There are several well-known red flags to help women and men see the signs of an abusive, toxic, or narcissistic relationship early.

"Me Too" is a red flag that is often overlooked and it is an important one. 

What is it and how does it work as a red flag?

When you meet someone, it is human nature to want to get to know each other - likes, dislikes, goals, dreams, wishes, and heartaches, let-downs, and how we want our relationships to look now and in the future.

You open up to your new date about what you dream of and he replies "Me Too!"

You chat about your goals and he replies "Me Too!"

You talk about your heartaches and he replies "Me Too!"

And this how the conversation is repeated over and over again. He carefully does not divulge anything about himself.

He's mirroring you and that's where the danger lies.

It feeds your trauma bond, child wound, codependency, fawn response, and tricks into believing you have found your "soul mate". Someone who understands you on your deepest level. After all, he's experienced it all too.

He hasn't experienced any of it and probably doesn't have the same goals, wants, needs, or desires you've expressed.

He has simply gathered intimate details about your life, mirrored them back to create a false bond and sense of security that he will use later on to attack you. He will insult your dreams and criticize your needs.

"Me Too" is a red flag and an elaborate rouse to make you believe you have found the one who truly understands you.

If you run into the "me too" behaviour, ask direct questions and see if you can get him to open up and talk about himself. If he continues to say things like my experience was just like yours, or I'm not comfortable talking about it, or you know, you went through it - he is not the one.

You want someone who shares, communicates honestly and is willing to open up and express themselves. 

Beware the "Me Too!" response - it is a red flag.

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