Self-Trust After You Didn't Listen the First Time

Posted On Feb 13, 2021 |

Your gut voice and instinct were screaming at you. Every red flag, lie, deception you questioned, you squashed your gut voice and lied to yourself.

You met him and there were definite red flags - things that seemed wrong, questionable and made you feel uneasy.

Your gut voice and instinct were yelling quite loud but you squashed the voice and took the path of denial, minimizing, and rationalizing his behaviour.

You lied to yourself. And each time you did, you broke your bond with your self-trust.

I know because I did it too.  I accepted lame excuses and crazy stories even though my gut was saying Susan he's lying.

The result? You no longer trust yourself or know how to listen to your gut voice and your instinct.

In order to recover and experience a healthy relationship, you and your self-trust need to be best friends and partners.

I created a video about rekindling your relationship with your gut voice.

Click HERE to watch and subscribe

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